In Buner, a tragic incident unfolded when a female school teacher was brutally murdered in front of her father, allegedly because she refused a marriage proposal. The horrific event took place in the Jangdara Totalai area, where the suspect fired at the 40-year-old teacher, leading to her immediate death. Following the crime, the assailant managed to flee the scene.
Despite the family’s previous warnings to the police about the suspect’s earlier attack on the teacher, no substantial actions had been taken. Now, the local police have registered a first information report (FIR) and initiated an investigation into the murder.
Unfortunately, this is not an isolated incident. Similar cases have occurred in different regions. For instance, in the Mardan district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, on June 8, a young female school teacher was also murdered in what is being described as an ‘honour killing.’
Brutal Honour Killings: Women Murdered for Choosing Love Over Family Approval
The 22-year-old woman, who had entered a free-will marriage, was dragged out of a car and killed. Police confirmed that the murder was motivated by the concept of ‘honour,’ as the woman had married against her family’s wishes nine months prior in a court marriage.
The police responded by collecting evidence from the crime scene and have sent the woman’s body for medico-legal formalities. However, the perpetrators of this heinous crime escaped and are still at large.
A similar case occurred earlier in Vehari on June 4, where two sisters were killed in the name of ‘honour’ for marrying men of their choice against their family’s approval.
The sisters were forcibly brought back by their family following a decision made by a local “Panchayat.” According to the District Police Officer (DPO), the sisters were killed by their father, brother, and uncle within the jurisdiction of Machiwal police station.
Although the suspects remain at large, the police have assured that teams have been formed, and efforts are ongoing to apprehend them.